Thursday, September 18, 2014

Costable and Turner

Apparently Constable said painting is feeling....or something to that effect.  And then he decided really that painting should be a form of science (and presumably awarded similar regard???).  Isn't that a bit of contradiction?  But perhaps not, if we end up seeing that science is nothing but feeling....for those who cannot see where this is going - I urge you to read those scientific journals so full of subjective opinions and preconceptions, it reads like a veritable old woman's gossip column.  OK, maybe not soooo bad.  But so much that we assert as scientific facts, are little more than fads of the time we live in.


Blogger Friko said...

What is an ‘old women’s gossip column’ and where can I find one?

As for science and feeling apart from the resemblance to gossip, can’t say that I know what you mean. Can you prove a feeling?

Thanks for visiting, do come again.
I’ve read most of your blog, you are a rare bird.

September 23, 2014 at 1:48 PM  
Blogger Anaconda said...

Dear Friko - We might not be able to prove a feeling but perhaps we test them some ways? I am always fascinated at the way we might set science apart from art (which I am taking to be represented by feeling) and yet how they seem to come together, need each other. Perhaps that's just a very obvious thing to other people - the Romantics with the Industrialists, side by side.

Thank you for leaving a comment and for taking the time to read my blog. I love reading yours and will definitely visit again!

September 25, 2014 at 5:25 PM  

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