Blue Letters

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Spring

There were baby birds, chicks, nesting in one corner of the house.
In another corner lay the old lady, making noises in her sleep
- groaning, coughing, wheezing with the effort to keep breathing.

The chicks made such a noise, chittering, jagged noises in the air.

Mosquitos buzzing away in one’s ear.  

Life seething pulsing as always.....
They would not let go.

The thrum of trucks, mini buses and taxis (not to mention private automobiles) racing up and down
The dirt road behind the house - 

And the drilling buzz of the construction machines - goodness know what their names are -

All signs of living breathing hope, I suppose

While the old lady lay wheezing as life slowly seeped
Between the bed covers and the mattresses,
The toilet papers and the combs/toiletries

Many things come to us all at once
We cannot take them all
Nor give them accommodation

We stare, avoid, avert our eyes
Fixate on those that we understand
Can calculate and portion away
Our flesh teased and plucked
We nevertheless would give, 
rather than fight

And the old spinsters
and near-as-damned-widowed

They protest
Say no
they will fight
They are not the ones to take it lying down
Not the same

But death comes to all
Death with a small d

And above all

The eyes, looking watching

Your eyes your own eyes
They have seen what you no longer wanted to see
They know the truth you no longer wish to acknowledge

What is and is no longer embraces
All of you
And you fall into the folds
Banks of clouds 
Of heaven of passing of the ladders 
one climbs

Of that moment
When you know, 

It is enough.